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Past Progressive Bildung Beispiele

Bilde die Past Progressive:

make → he was making

die → they were dying

run → we were running

lie → she was lying

swim → you were swimming

fly → I was flying

buy → she was buying

sit → they were sitting

come → he was coming

play → they were playing

Bilde jeweils einen Satz:

a) they/eat/a soup

A: They were eating a soup.

b) she/write/a letter

A: She was writing a letter.

c) I/do/my homework

A: I was doing my homework.

d) we/run/down the hill

A: We were running down the hill.

e) it/play/in the garden

A: It was playing in the garden.

f) he/have/a date

A: He was having a date.

g) she/buy/a new skirt

A: She was buying a new skirt.

h) you/build/a house

A: You were building a house.