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Reported Speech Modalverben Übung 1

Aufgabe: Reported Speech Modalverben Übung 1

a) Mark said: “I should build a house now.” 

b) She told us: “Mary would have a date at tomorrow.”

c) Dad told me: “I must repair my car.”

d) Mary explained: “I can return tonight.”

e) John told me: “I ought to invite her next month.”

f) My brother said: “I could win the race today.”

g) Sue told us: “I might pass the test tomorrow.”

h) They told Peter: “You must comply with all the rules.”

i) Ann told me: “I may visit a doctor today.” 


Lösung: Reported Speech Modalverben Übung 1

a) Mark said, that he should build a house then.  

b) She told, that Mary would have a date the following day.

c) Dad told me, that he had to repair his car.

d) Mary explained, that she could return that night.

e) John told me, that he ought to invite her the following month.

f) My brother said, that he could (was able to) win the race that day.

g) Sue told us, that she might pass the test the following day. 

h) They told Peter, that he had to comply with all the rules.

i) Ann told me, that she might visit a doctor that day.”