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Passive Voice alle Zeiten Übungsblatt Lösungen

Passive Voice alle Zeiten Übungsblatt Lösungen:

a) active: The hunter killed the fox.

passive: The fox was killed by the hunter.


b) active: She has cleaned the windows yet.

passive: The windows have been cleaned by her yet.


c) active: His brother looks after him.

passive: He is looked after by his brother.


d) active: The Normans built the castle in the 14th century.

passive: The castle was built by the Normans in the 14th century.


e) active: The burglar will steal the paintings tomorrow. 

passive: The paintings will be stolen by the burglar tomorrow.


f) active: The mayor had opened the bridge.

passive: The bridge had been opened by the mayor.


g) active: They are going to buy the house.

passive: The house is going to be bought by them.


h) active: She would sell her bike.

passive: Her bike would be sold by her.


i) active: He does the homework after school.

passive: The homework is done by him after school.


j) active: We are mowing the lawn at the moment.

passive: The lawn is being mowed by us.


k) active: He may invite them.

passive: They may be invited by him.


l) active: They have repaired the old fence yet.

passive: The old fence has been repaired by them yet.