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complete the binomial formulas problem 2

complete the binomial formulas problem 2:

binomial formulas exercise

You can do the following exercise here: complete the binomial formulas problem 2

If you can solve this problem without a mistake, you are an expert.

You can find more exercises after the answers.


complete to a perfect term:

a) 49x² – 56 xy +______

b) 25 – 80xz + ______

c) 100x² + 20xy + ______

d) 4x4 + 24x²y² + ______ 



Complete to a perfect term:

a) 25x² + 70xy + 49y²

b) 25 – 80xz + 64x²z²

c) 100x² + 20xy + y²

d) 4x4 + 24x²y² + 9y4  


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