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circle area and perimeter problem 1

exercise: circle area and perimeter problem 1

A circle has a radius of 9 cm. 

a) Calculate the diameter

b) Calculate the the perimeter/circumference of the circle.

c) Calculate the area of the circle

circle area and perimeter problem 1

answer: circle area and perimeter problem 1

a) answer diameter

d = 2 * r

d = 2 * 9

d = 18 cm

A: The diameter of the circle is 18 centimeter.


b) answer perimeter

P = d * π

P = 18 * π       (π = 3.1415..)

P = 56.55 cm

A: The perimeter of the circle is 56.55 cm.


c) answer area

A = r² * π

A = 9² * π

A = 254.47 cm²

A: The area of the circle is 254.47 square centimeters.