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Reported Speech | Bildung und Anwendung

Reported Speech | Bildung und Anwendung

Reported Speech | Bildung und Anwendung

Hier findest du einen Überblick zum Thema: Reported Speech | Bildung und Anwendung

Die Bildung der indirekten Rede im Englischen weist einige Besonderheiten auf!

Zusätzliche Lernmaterialien: Tests 1 | Tests 2 | Tests 3Übungsblätter | Merkblätter

Reported Speech Überblick

You use the Reported Speech to communicate what someone else said.

To do this you have to change pronouns and tenses.

In der indirekten Rede wird geschildert, was jemand gesagt hat. 



Direct Speech: She said, “I have opened a new shop yesterday.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had opened a new shop the day before.  


Transformation in die Indirekte Rede

Bei der Umsetzung von der direkten zur indirekten Rede müssen folgende Punkte beachten:

a) In welcher Zeitform steht der Einleitungssatz?

b) Welche Zeitenwechsel müssen wir im Hauptsatz vornehmen?

c) Müssen Personalformen geändert werden?  z.B. I → he, she

d) Welche Satzform liegt vor? 

e) Ändert sich die Schreibweise von Zeitangaben und Ortsangaben?


Bildung Änderungen

In welcher Zeitform steht der Einleitungssatz? 

Steht der Einleitungssatz im “present”, “present perfect” oder “future”- erfolgt kein Zeitenwechsel:


Direct Speech: Frank says, “Mary buys new shoes.” 

Reported S.: Frank says, that Mary buys new shoes.”

Direct Speech: He has said, “My dog is clever.

Reported S.: He has said, that his dog is clever.

Änderungen bei den Zeiten

Steht der Einleitungssatz im Past Simple so ist ein Zeitenwechsel erforderlich:


Direct Speech →  Frank said, “Mary buys new shoes.”

Reported S. →  Frank said, that Mary bought new shoes.”


Es kommt dabei zu folgenden Änderungen hinsichtlich der Zeit:

Present Simple → Past Simple

Present Progressive → Past Progressive

Past Simple → Past Perfect Simple

Past Progressive → Past Perfect Progressive

Present Perfect Simple → Past Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Progressive → Past Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Simple → Past Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Progressive → Past Perfect Progressive

Will-Future → Conditional (would)

Going-to Future → was/were going to


Auch Modalverben verändern sich:

will → would    

can → could

may →  might

shall → should

Änderungen bei Orts- und Zeitangaben

Folgende Zeit- und Ortsangaben verändern sich:

here →  there

now →  then

today →  that day

this/these →  that/those

yesterday →  the day before

tomorrow →  the following day

last week → the previous week

a year ago →  the previous year

next week →  the following week

Änderungen bei Pronomen

Bei der indirekten Rede im Englischen müssen die Pronomen abgeändert werden, weil die sprechende Person sich in eine Person verwandelt, über die gesprochen wird.

Deshalb umfassen die Änderungen im Wesentlichen den Vorgang, dass die 1. und 2. Person Einzahl/Mehrzahl, jetzt in der 3. Person Einzahl/Mehrzahl umgewandelt wird.


Persönliche Fürwörter Subjekt:

Einzahl: I, you → he/she 

Mehrzahl: we, you → they


Persönliche Fürwörter Objekt:

Einzahl: me, you  → him/her

Mehrzahl: us, your → them


Besitzanzeigendes Fürwort: 

Einzahl: my, you → his/her 

Mehrzahl: our, your → their



Direct Speech →  Mary said, “I buy new shoes.”

Reported Speech →  Mary said, that she bought new shoes.”


Indirekte Rede mit Fragesätzen

a) mit Fragewörtern (why, who, which, when, what,..)

→ Das Fragewort muss wieder verwendet werden

Direct Speech: He said, “Where do you buy your car?”

Reported S.: He wanted to know, where I bought my car.


b) ohne Fragewörter

→ Hier verwenden wir  “if/whether” (ob):

Direct Speech: She said, “Are you tired?”

Reported S.: She asked if I was tired.


Indirekte Rede Befehlssätze

a) Höfliche Befehlsform = Bitte (polite command)

Direct Speech: She said, “Help me, please.”

Reported S.: She asked me to help her.


b) Normale Befehlsform = Aufforderung (normal command)

Direct Speech: She said, “Help me.”

Reported S.: She told me to help her.


c) Betonte Befehlsform = Anweisung (strong command)

Direct Speech: She shouted, “Help me at once”

Reported S.: She shouted at me to help her at once.


d) Verneinte Befehlsform (negative command):

Direct Speech: She said, “Don’t help me.”

Reported S.: She told me not help her.


Bildung in allen Zeiten

Present Simple:

Direct Speech: She said, “I build a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she built a house.


Present Progressive:

Direct Speech: She said, “I am building a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she was building a house.


Past Simple:

Direct Speech: She said, “I built a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had built a house.


Past Progressive:

Direct Speech: She said, “I was building a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had been building a house.


Present Perfect Simple:

Direct Speech: She said, “I have built a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had built a house.


Present Perfect Progressive:

Direct Speech: She said, “I have been building a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had been building a house.


Past Perfect Simple:

Direct Speech: She said, “I had built a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had built a house.


Past Perfect Progressive:

Direct Speech: She said, “I had been building a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she had been building a house.



Direct Speech: She said, “I will build a house”

Reported Speech: She said, that she would build a house. 


going to-Future:

Direct Speech: She said, “I am going to build a house.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she was going to build a house.


Sonstige Ausnahmen

a) would, should, might, ought to – bis auf die Personalformen keine Veränderung!

Direct Speech: She said, “I would like to visit you.”

Reported Speech: She said, that she would like to visit me.


b) Conditional II – bis auf die Personalformen keine Veränderung!

Direct Speech: She said, “If I were rich, I would buy a new house.”

Reported Speech: She said that if she were rich, she would buy a new house. 


c) Fakten – keine Veränderung!

Direct Speech: He said, “The Rhine flows through Vorarlberg.” 

Reported Speech: He said, that the Rhine flows through Vorarlberg.