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Passive Voice 2 Objekte Übungsblatt Lösungen


a) Aktive: She gave me a present

Passive I: I was given a present by her.

Passive II: A present was given to me by her.


b) Aktive: He writes her a letter

Passive Voice I: A letter is written to her by him

Passive Voice II: She is written a letter by him.


c) Aktive: She has told him the true.

Passive Voice I: The true has been told to him by her. 

Passive Voice II: He has been told the true by her.


d) Aktive: The shop assistant had brought her a big box.

Passive Voice I: A big box had been brought to her by the shop assistant. 

Passive Voice II: She had been brought a big box by the shop assistant


e) Aktive: The headmaster will show us the new film.

Passive Voice I: The new film will be shown to us by the headmaster.

Passive Voice II: We will be shown the new film by the headmaster.


f) Aktive: The cheater promised him a lot of money. 

Passive Voice I: A lof of money was promised to him by the cheater. 

Passive Voice II: He was promised a lot of money by the cheater.


g) Aktive: The teacher hasn’t given us some advice.

Passive Voice I: We haven’t been given some advice by the teacher.

Passive Voice II: Some advice hasn’t been given to us by the teacher.