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Englisch alle Zeiten to allow Übung 1

Englisch alle Zeiten to allow Übung 1

Verb to allow alle Zeiten


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Bilde vom Verb “to allow (erlauben) alle Zeiten mit der 3. Person Einzahl männlich:

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Bilde die richtige Personalform:

Present Simple: he allows

Present Progressive: he is allowing

Past Simple: he allowed

Past Progressive: he was allowing

Present Perfect Simple: he has allowed

Present Perfect Progressive: he has been allowing

Past Perfect Simple: he had allowed

Past Perfect Progressive: he had been allowing

Will Future Simple: he will allow

Will Future Progressive: he will be allowing

Going-to Future Simple: he is going to allow

Going-to Future Progressive: he is going to be allowing

Future Perfect Simple: he will have allowed

Future Perfect Progressive: he will have been allowing

Conditional Present Simple: he would allow

Conditional Progressive: he would be allowing

Conditional Perfect Simple: he would have allowed

Conditional Perfect Progressive: he would have been allowing


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