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Possessive Pronouns without noun 3 Lösungen

Possessive Pronouns without noun 3 Lösungen:

Possessive Pronouns without noun 3 Lösungen

Hier erhältst du einen Überblick zum Thema: Possessive Pronouns | 2 Arten

Mit possessive pronouns drückt man den Besitz von etwas aus. 

Weitere Übungsmaterialien: Tests | Übungsblatt | Merkblatt | Pronouns


I – mine 

you – yours 

he – his 

she – her 

it – keine Bildung

we – ours

you – yours

they – theirs

Setze die richtige Form ein:

a) It looks like my cat. Yes, it is mine.

b) Is this her bag. Yes, it’s hers.

c) Is this the cat’s mouse? It’s

d) These are our apples. They are ours.

e) Don’t drink my coke. Drink yours.

f) You can have my car. Take mine.

g) Are these their bikes? Yes, they are theirs.

h) My car is fast. His car is faster. Mine is fast, his is faster.

i) These are our shoes. These are ours.

j) Is this their child? No, theirs is in front of the house.

k) This is Tom’s book. Tom, here is yours.

l) This is Linda’s ring. It is hers.