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to be able to – können

Bildung: to be able to 

Das Modalverb “können” kann im Englischen mit “to be able to” in allen Zeiten gebildet werden. 

can” kann hingegen nur für die Present Simple und “could” nur für die Past Simple verwendet werden. 

Mit dem Modalverb “to be able to” drückt man aus, dass man in der Lage ist, etwas zu tun (Fähigkeit). 


to be able to


Beispielsatz in allen Zeiten: 

Present Simple: He can/is able to pass the test. 

Past Simple: He could/was able to pass the test. 

Present Perfect: He has been able to pass the test. 

Past Perfect: He had been able to pass the test.

Will-Future: He will be able to pass the test.

Going to-Future: He is going to be able to pass the test.



Present Simple: He can’t/isn’t able to pass the test. 

Past Simple: He couldn’t/wasn’t able to pass the test.    

Present Perfect: He hasn’t been able to pass the test. 

Past Perfect: He hadn’t been able to pass the test.

Will-Future: He won‘t be able to pass the test.

Going to-Future: He isn’t going to be able to pass the test. 



Present Simple: Is he able to pass the test?

Past Simple: Was he able to pass the test?  

Present Perfect: Has he been able to pass the test? 

Past Perfect: Had he been able to pass the test?

Will-Future: Will he be able to pass the test?

Going to-Future: Is he going to be able to pass the test?



to be able to Test

to able to Merkblatt

to be able to Übungsblatt