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Adverbs of frequency Satzstellung Übung1

Aufgabe: Adverbs of frequency Satzstellung Übung 1

Setze das Häufigkeitsadverb an der richtigen Stelle im Satz ein:

a) Peter is late.  (never)

b) He gets up at 7.30 am. (always) 

c) Pat has eaten meat. (never)

d) I can read a book in the evening. (usually)

e) My parents eat junk food. (rarely)

f) Frank reads the newspaper. (seldom)

g) We play football on Saturdays. (often)

h)  I don’t usually go to work before 8 a.m. (usually)

i) Sue eats meat for dinner. (sometimes)

j) It snows in the Caribbean. (never)

k) Have you been to Vienna? (ever) 

l) She is hungry. (always )

m) They are friendly. (usually)

n) Alan plays piano. (sometimes)

o) My aunt is angry. (rarely)

p) Erich doesn’t like going to the cinema. (never)

q) I am very excited before the exam. (often)

r) We don’t wait more than 10 minutes. (usually)



Lösung: Adverbs of frequency Satzstellung Übung 1

a) Peter is never late. 

b) He always gets up at 7.30 am.

c) Pat has never eaten meat. 

d) I can usually read a book in the evening. 

e) My parents rarely eat junk food.

f) Frank seldom reads the newspaper.

g) We often play football on Saturdays. 

h) I don’t usually go to work before 8 a.m.

i)  Sue sometimes eats meat for dinner. 

j) It never snows in the Caribbean.

k) Have you ever been to Vienna? 

l) She is always hungry. 

m) They are usually friendly. 

n) Alan sometimes plays piano. 

o) My aunt is rarely angry.

p) Erich never doesn’t like going to the cinema.

q) I am often very excited before the exam.

r) We usually don’t wait more than 10 minutes.