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Past Simple Questions Übung 1

Aufgabe: Past Simple Questions Übung 1

Bilde von folgenden Sätze die Fragestellungen:

a) She lost her bracelet last night. 

b) Alan was in Dubai a year ago.

c) They made a bookshelf yesterday. 

d) She went to school yesterday.

e) Linda knew the correct answer in the last homework.

f) He celebrated his birthday last Monday. 

g) I was very happy last weekend. 

h) He ordered a lot of unnecessary clothes on the Internet.

i) She read an exciting book yesterday.

j) Last year he had a serious accident on a mountain tour.

k) Mary was very sick last week.

l) Paul slept most of the last weekend.

m) They flew to Egypt on their last vacation.

o) She could help him. 



Lösung: Past Simple Questions Übung 1

Bilde von folgenden Sätze die Fragestellungen:

a) Did she lose her bracelet last night? 

b) Was Alan in Dubai a year ago? 

c) Did they make a bookshelf yesterday?

d) Did she go to school yesterday?

e) Did Lind know the correct answer in the last homework?

f) Did he celebrate his birthday last Monday? 

g) Were you very happy last weekend?

h) Did he order a lot of unnecessary clothes on the internet?

i) Did she read an exciting book yesterday.

j) Did he have a serious accident on a mountain tour last year? 

k) Was she very sick last week?

l) Did he sleep most of the last weekend? 

m) Did they fly to Egypt on their last vacation?

o) Could she help him?